The Proven LinkedIn Content Strategy That Will Skyrocket Growth

The Proven LinkedIn Content Strategy That Will Skyrocket Growth for Million-Dollar Founders

Are you pulling in millions but feel like LinkedIn could be doing so much more for your business? You're not alone. Many successful founders struggle to tap into the full potential of this powerful platform.

Now, we know you're busy, and value your time. That's why we're skipping the basics like profile optimization (you likely have that on point already). Instead, let's dive straight into the 5 proven content strategies that will propel your business forward:

1. Secure Your Community Top Voice Badge

The Community Top Voice badge is a visual indicator of your authority within a specific skill on LinkedIn. This gold badge may seem like a small detail, but it signifies authority and boosts your positioning. Earning it is simple: answer 3-5 questions within a specific skill on the collaborative articles feature (launched July 2023) and aim for top-voted answers to secure the badge quickly.

How to Earn the Badge:

  • Choose a Skill: Select a skill that aligns with your expertise and target audience.
  • Answer Questions: Contribute to collaborative articles by answering questions related to your chosen skill.
  • Gain Upvotes: Aim for at least seven upvotes on your answers to become a top contributor.
  • Consistency: Regularly contribute to the platform to maintain your badge.

Benefits of the Badge:

  • Enhanced Authority: The badge signifies your expertise and positions you as a thought leader.
  • Increased Visibility: Your profile becomes more prominent in search results.
  • Improved Credibility: Potential clients and partners are more likely to trust your expertise.

The golden badges are limited to 2500 holders per skill

2. Launch a LinkedIn Newsletter

Forget stagnant growth! A LinkedIn newsletter is a powerful tool for reaching your audience directly in their inbox. It allows you to bypass the algorithm and deliver valuable content straight to your subscribers.

Key Benefits of LinkedIn Newsletters:

  • Direct Access to Your Audience: Bypass the LinkedIn feed and connect directly with your subscribers.
  • Higher Engagement: Newsletters typically have higher open rates than regular LinkedIn posts.
  • Audience Segmentation: Identify interested subscribers based on newsletter engagement.
  • Improved Search Engine Visibility: Regular newsletter publishing can boost your website's search engine ranking. 

Get your content directly to your subscribers’ inboxes with a LinkedIn newsletter

How to Create a Successful LinkedIn Newsletter:

  • Define Your Audience: Identify your target audience and tailor your content accordingly.
  • Choose a Niche: Focus on a specific topic or area of expertise.
  • Create High-Quality Content: Deliver valuable insights and actionable tips in each newsletter edition.
  • Promote Your Newsletter: Share your newsletter on your LinkedIn profile, in relevant groups, and through other social media channels.
  • Analyze Performance: Track open rates, click-through rates, and other metrics to measure the success of your newsletter.

3. Master Short-Form Videos (1-2 Minutes)

Short-form video content is gaining immense popularity on LinkedIn. By creating engaging and informative videos, you can capture the attention of your audience and establish yourself as a thought leader. With text posts becoming less effective, stand out with high-impact video content. Why?

  • You Can Become Part of the Elite: Only 1-3% of LinkedIn users post original content weekly. Join the top 1% by consistently creating engaging short-form videos.
  • Leverage the TikTok-Style Feed: Catch the attention of viewers scrolling through the dedicated video feed on the LinkedIn mobile app. 

Catch the attention of viewers scrolling through the dedicated video feed on the LinkedIn mobile app

Here are some tips for crafting stellar short-form videos:

  • Target Your ICP: Focus on topics that resonate with your ideal client profile.
  • Offer Unique Insights: Share your expertise and create a blue ocean by focusing on something different from your competitors.
  • Answer One Question per Video: Go in-depth and showcase your knowledge.
  • High-Quality Production: Aim for clear visuals, captivating audio, and engaging captions.
  • Focus on Value: Provide actionable tips, insights, or entertainment in a concise format.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Create videos specifically for mobile viewing with vertical orientation and quick pacing.
  • Add Captions: Make your videos accessible to a wider audience by including captions.
  • Experiment with Formats: Try different video styles, such as tutorials, testimonials, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Leverage Trends: Stay up-to-date with trending topics and formats to increase visibility.

4. Dominate Live Events 

LinkedIn's live event feature lets you connect with your audience in real-time, build relationships, and showcase your expertise. Here’s how to you can start hosting Successful LinkedIn Live Events:

  • Choose Engaging Topics: Select relevant topics for your audience and spark interest.
  • Promote Your Event: Utilize your network and social media channels to generate buzz and attract attendees.
  • Interact with Your Audience: Encourage questions and comments during the live event to foster engagement.
  • Repurpose Content: Transform your live event into other content formats, such as blog posts, podcasts, or short video clips.
  • Analyze Performance: Track metrics like attendance, engagement, and lead generation to measure the success of your event.

Plan a 2-3 week pre-event period to invite connections

Here's the tried-and-tested process that we use:

  • Ramp Up: Plan a 2-3 week pre-event period to invite connections (you can invite 1,000+ weekly!).
  • Host Regularly: Aim for at least one live event every week or every other week after your first successful one.
  • Focus on Value: Offer content that addresses your ideal client's needs and showcases your expertise.
  • Repurpose Content: Transform your live event recording into other valuable content formats like edited YouTube videos or short clips.

5. Analyze and Double Down

Data is king! Track your key metrics, such as calls generated, to understand what's working. Analyze which types of posts, mediums, and topics resonate most with your audience. Once you have this data, you can double down on the strategies that deliver the greatest results.

Data-driven decision-making is crucial for optimizing your LinkedIn strategy. By tracking key metrics and analyzing your performance, you can identify what's working and what's not.

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Follower growth: Track the number of followers you gain over time.
  • Engagement: Measure likes, comments, shares, and click-through rates on your content.
  • Lead generation: Monitor the number of leads generated through LinkedIn.
  • Conversion rates: Track the conversion of leads into customers.

Adjust your content strategy based on audience preferences and performance metrics

How to Use Data to Improve Your Strategy:

  • Identify Top-Performing Content: Analyze which posts and videos generate the most engagement and double down on them.
  • Optimize Content Creation: Adjust your content strategy based on audience preferences and performance metrics.
  • Experiment with Different Formats: Test new content formats to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Refine Your Targeting: Use data to refine your target audience and tailor your content accordingly.

Don't just rely on "they found me on LinkedIn" from potential clients. Track the journey they took from the initial touchpoint to becoming a lead. Use this knowledge to refine your strategy and optimize your content funnel. 

Here at Growth Academy, we've helped hundreds of founders just like you achieve explosive growth on LinkedIn. They’ve all started their journey with us by joining our LinkedIn Challenge. Do you want to be a part of that group? Join our upcoming challenge today.

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