How to Build a Thriving Mailing List to Scale your Business

How to Build a Thriving Mailing List to Scale your Business

Are you struggling to navigate the overwhelming world of online business? You're not alone. New entrepreneurs often juggle learning customer acquisition, service delivery, marketing strategies, and building a scalable business model. But amidst the frenzy, there's one crucial element that stands out: building a mailing list.

Why Your Mailing List is the Ultimate Goal 

Research shows that the one factor most likely to influence your online business's success isn't the number of customers you have, what you charge, or even what you sell. It's the size of your email list.

Think of your email list as a direct line to potential customers. It allows you to stay connected, build relationships, and convert those relationships into sales.

Build a compelling mailing list with LinkedIn

Step #1: Know Your Audience – Understanding is Key

Start by understanding who your ideal customer is. What are their biggest struggles? What are they hoping to achieve? Social media platforms and your experience are treasure troves of information to help you answer these questions.

Mine Past Data! Analyze past customer interactions to see what questions came up most often or what built trust. Use these insights to create a valuable free resource (your "hook") that directly addresses those needs.

No Clients Yet? No Problem! Social media is your launchpad! Develop a 90-day content plan using a mix of formats like webinars, live streams, articles, and newsletters. Track what resonates most with your audience, and use that engagement data to tailor your free offer.

Step #2: Craft a Compelling Free Offer – Go Beyond Clickbait

People gladly trade emails for something valuable. But forget forgettable free offers! The key is to create a freebie that blows away your competitors.

Make your freebie interesting enough with these tips

Analyze the Competition (Smartly!). Become a niche detective. Research the top players in your field and dissect their free content. Don't just copy – use it as inspiration! Identify what they're missing and aim to deliver something 10x more valuable.

Focus on Your NicheHere's the trick: Only compare apples to apples. Are you a wordsmith, not a videographer? Don't benchmark YouTubers. Look at what successful writers are offering in ebooks and newsletters. The same goes for coaches – analyze free course structures, not passive course sales.

In simpler terms, step two is to research the top 3 players in your niche. Analyze what they're giving away (and why). This intel will be your springboard to create a free offer so good, it can't be ignored.

Step #3: Matching Skills with Your Business Model

Focus on what you do best. Don't pick content creation methods (like videos or ebooks) that feel like a struggle. Instead, choose a format that complements your existing skills and interests. If you hate being on camera, writing an ebook or hosting live audio sessions might be a better fit.

Make your mailing list with your services and target audience in mind

Analyze the competition, but stand out. Look at what your competitors are offering. What can you do differently? What can you do better? Where are there gaps you can fill?

The free stuff should be a gateway. The goal is to create such high-quality free content that people naturally want more from you, leading them to your paid offerings.

Step #4: Create and Distribute Your Free Asset

You've attracted your audience with a valuable freebie, now it's time to nurture the relationship. Here's what to consider:

  • Content Cadence and Tone: How often will you communicate? What kind of voice resonates with your audience (informative, casual, etc.)? Experiment with email to find the sweet spot. Maybe it's a daily LinkedIn Live tip series or an audio podcast – it depends on your niche and audience preference.
  • Content Sequence: Plan the journey you'll take your audience on. This could be a series focusing on a specific topic (e.g., LinkedIn Live strategies), or a mix of "cousin content" related to their broader interests (e.g., YouTube growth tips).
  • Audience Segmentation: Tailor your communication to different audience segments. This personalizes the experience and boosts engagement.

Launching from a Simple Platform: Why Start with LinkedIn?

LinkedIn can be your launchpad to gather valuable data and build your initial email list.

Here's why LinkedIn is so powerful:

  • Segmentation: Create up to five different newsletters, each targeting a specific interest within your niche.
  • Targeted Engagement: Host regular Live Events for segmented audiences.

Build and grow your mailing list with LinkedIn from scratch

The Benefit? You can grow your list by 100+ each month, without a Landing Page. You just need to:

  1. Showcase Your Expertise: Host a compelling LinkedIn Live event, post insightful audio content, or share valuable information in your newsletter.
  2. Convert Viewers to Subscribers: Offer a freebie related to your content (e.g., ebook) with the same title as your event or newsletter.
  3. Capture Email Addresses: Now you can ask viewers or readers for their email addresses to receive the freebie.

This strategy lets you build a targeted email list before you even launch your full marketing funnel!

This is the Long-Term Value of Your Mailing List

Forget the pressure of needing a huge following or expensive software. Building an email list is a powerful strategy for online success, and you can start small. Here's how:

  • Unlocks Long-Term Benefits: Email fosters strong relationships, boosts sales, and empowers financial security. Imagine selling courses, consultations, or even becoming an author through targeted email campaigns.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: You will be able to track user engagement and campaign's effectiveness to make informed choices about future growth strategies.
  • Own Your Audience: Unlike social media platforms, an email list puts you in control. You build lasting connections with a loyal community, free from dependence on external algorithms.

LinkedIn Newsletters criteria

Practice Makes Perfect:

Platforms like LinkedIn newsletters are a great starting point. They allow you to:

  • Gain Experience: Test your email marketing skills in a real-world setting.
  • Gather Data: See what content resonates with your audience and drives engagement.
  • Prepare for Growth: Build confidence in email marketing before transitioning to more advanced software.

Remember, a thriving mailing list is the key to long-term success. Start today, take it one step at a time, and watch your online business flourish.

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