GROW on LinkedIn with Video 

Learn how to get more views, engagement and attract better clients on LinkedIn. And have fun while doing it. 

Trusted by 31,000+ Founders & Business Owners 

Hey! It's Shanee Moret, your future LinkedIn coach. 


I’m a founder, personal branding strategist, and proud mom of a human, 2 dogs and a cat lol. My business journey wasn’t planned—it was forced by a moment of truth.

In 2018, I was working a regular job as a single mom when my daughter got sick. I spent 12 days in the hospital, refusing to leave her side.

Then, my boss at the time gave me an ultimatum: return to work or lose my job. I chose my daughter. I never returned to that job. Instead, I bet on myself.

That’s when I discovered LinkedIn. I started cold messaging people to get clients. Most ignored me. Some rejected me. The few who replied? I had to drag them to appointments, and most were no-shows. I hated outbound.

So I set a challenge: post one video a day for 30 days and see what happens. At first, I was uncomfortable. But within a week, people started reaching out to me. By 60 days, I had gone from 100% outbound to 100% inbound.

Then I took it further: I started going live. I did webinars. I built my YouTube channel. Video changed my life. It gave me freedom. It built my business. It created opportunities I never imagined.

Today, I have nearly 1 million followers on LinkedIn, 267,000+ LinkedIn newsletter subscribers, 10,000+ YouTube subscribers, and help founders and CEOs share what they know in a way that gets the attention of the people they want to attract.

My mission is simple: To serve as your catalyst. All you need is the courage to start.

Let's grow together,

—Shanee Moret, Founder at Growth Academy.Global

Free Weekly LinkedIn Marketing Tips

Start to create content thats earns the "know, like and trust" factor of the clients you want to be serving.